It Had to be Stated.
While working on the forth-coming album ‘Songs in Truncated Prisms’, I was experimenting ‘on the side’ with a variety of other tunes. I had followed a similar pattern when recording ‘The Mirrors’ and ‘The State of Things’ was the resulting album.
So this latest offering, ‘More Things Stated’, is in the same vein as it’s ‘sister’ (TSOT) album. Once again there’s a ‘dance’ track, some oriental ‘chi’ (this one was actually written and recorded 10 years back!) and a ‘trumpet’ rather than ‘banjo’ composition. (nothing to do with a certain politician…but then again…)
The opening track ‘Indiscretions Recognized and Noted’ is a more serious piece that comments on environmental issues rather than conspiracy theories. I’d been researching ‘shark finning’ and the massive ‘plastic’ problem the world faces, so the song grew from there. The remaining tracks joined in for the ride. Hope you find it both entertaining and perhaps a little thought-provoking.
Steve Carr Clark 2019

PS. ‘Indiscretions’ is dedicated to all the environmentalists, conservationists and ‘earth awareness’ souls out there, giving their time and resources to help change our thinking and get our planet back on track. That’s Greta Thunberg sharing her thoughts at the end of the song. I’ve also added some links below to the various talks and worthy causes I found during the recording of this track.
Wonderful UK organization. Stunning web site and information. Adopt a shark and receive a certificate and an amazing pack of other goodies!
Founded by Damien Mander (Australia). An amazing story behind this organization. See some of Damien's heart-felt talks on TED.
Founded by Boyan Stat (Netherlands) when only 18 years old. Help clean up the oceans today.